What is Influenza Virus – Things You Never Knew About the Virus!

What does Influenza Mean?
The Influenza virus is what we normally think of as the common cold or flu. It is a viral infection that usually occurs during the period of time between fall and winter.
One of the unfortunate facts about influenza is that you do not notice any symptoms for a few days, which increases the possibility of individuals giving other people the virus.
What type of Virus is Influenza?
The flu virus is an infectious disease that is caused by the Orthomyxoviruses, or RNA viruses. These viruses are most common in humans, birds and other mammals. This category includes influence type A, B and C.
What Causes Influenza?
The flu virus is typically caused through a breakout during a particular time of the year. When the virus breaks out into any population, there is a high chance of it spreading among humans through direct contact. Sometimes the virus even passes from one person to another through sneezing or coughing.
In other cases, individuals who drink from the same glass as someone infected are also at risk of getting the virus.
An individual with the flu virus is typically contagious for up to one week after they show symptoms. The contagious period for children is a little longer than seven days.
Read More: Influenza (flu) Causes – Mayo Clinic
How Long Does Influenza Last?
The flu virus is only present for a few weeks at the most, with most people getting over the worst symptoms after four or five days. Unfortunately, those few days can be very rough, especially if your immune system is not at its healthiest.
Is Influenza Airborne?
Yes, the influenza virus is airborne, which is why the chances of humans getting the virus from other people are so high. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is by wearing an antibacterial facemask.
While facemasks are not 100 percent safe, they make it a lot less likely for you to transmit or receive the disease from someone else while passing them by or through casual interactions. They may not be the most aesthetically appealing accessory, but a facemask can save you from getting sick.
Influenza Symptoms
The influenza virus often comes with high fever, aching around your body, headaches, coughing and a scratchy throat. People often lose their appetite, while struggling to perform at their usual energy levels.
If you have the virus, your fever is likely to reach anywhere from 100 degrees F to 104 degrees F, with some even developing 106 degrees F temperatures.
It is common for your fever to ebb and flow while you are showing symptoms of the virus. When your temperature lowers for the first time, do not automatically assume that you are getting better. There is a good chance it will come back at the same, if not worse, level.
The body aches are usually felt the most in your arms and legs. Some people feel a general level of lethargy that causes them to stay in bed for the first few days of showing symptoms. This is not a bad thing, because bed rest is often the best way to deal with the virus.
Eating less while infected with the virus is normal, because you are losing your regular levels of appetite.
In addition, some people might experience a slight change in their taste buds, with certain foods tasting different for the period they are sick. This feeling goes away after a week or two, at the most.
If you are also experiencing problems in your stomach, such as vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, this is something you need to see a doctor about. Stomach problems are almost never related to the influenza virus.
Increased Risk of Influenza
There are a number of factors that determine how likely you are to get the influenza virus.
While even the healthiest individual can get the virus, it is most commonly seen in children less than two years old, adults who are older than 65, pregnant individuals and anyone who suffers from lung disease and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
One major problem of the flu virus is that it can become deadly if your immune system is incapable of fighting off the illness. This is a particular issue for anyone who is suffering from HIV/AIDS.
In other cases, people who take medication that negatively impact their immune system might also have a stronger reaction to the flu virus.
Type of Influenza
There are two major types of influenza that impact humans: type A and B. These are both seasonal viruses that you see almost every winter around the world.
The influenza virus is categorized in a number of different ways, including the host origin, geographical origin and strain number. This helps doctors understand what type of virus they are dealing with.
In some cases, the virus originates from a human, while animal origination is also common.
Facts About Influenza and Home Remedies
Influenza is not something you can cure with medication, because it is a virus.
The medications most people take while sick with the flu are designed to combat the symptoms. However, there are a few antiviral medications that are known to reduce the period of the virus, but they must be taken within 48 hours of showing symptoms.
These drugs limit the symptoms to two days, instead of the usual six or seven. The two most common antiviral medications for influenza are Amantadine and Oseltamivir.
If you choose not to take one of those antiviral drugs, or did not know about them within 48 hours of showing symptoms, there are home remedies that can help you alleviate the symptoms:
Bed Rest: This is the best way to cause minimal strain on your body while it shows symptoms, allowing it to focus on fighting off the virus. Staying in bed also limits the number of people you will infect.
Fluids: Flu patients are encouraged to drink lots of water, juice, soup and tea. This helps keep your body hydrated, while also alleviating the symptoms of coughing and a scratchy throat.
Painkillers: These often help reduce the physical symptoms, such as aches, pains and fever. Some people also like to try sponging their body with warm water in order to alleviate fever symptoms.
However, it is NOT advisable to take baths in cold or ice water. While this lowers your body temperature in the interim, it can cause the symptoms to return even stronger.
Influenza Deaths per Year
The number of people who die from influenza varies greatly depending on the year, virus strain, country and other factors. For example, the United States can see anywhere from 3,000 to 50,000 people die from the virus every year.
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