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Cryptococcosis - Facts, Prevention and Treatment

Experts refer to cryptococcosisas an infection caused by a fungus that is similar to yeast called cryptococcosus neoformans. It is found in soil throughout the world that typically has bird droppings.

Tumors in the lungs and brain can be associated with the presence of this fungus. This infection often affects people who already have compromised immune systems. Included in this category are people with cancer or HIV.

In some instances, meningitis or pneumonia develops as a result of this infection.

There are specific symptoms related to cryptococcosis. Some people experience fever and headache among other symptoms. A change in mood or behavior could result, as well. It is important to note physical changes in health and behavior.

Physicians are able to connect symptoms with the existence of this condition. Testing can be done in order to confirm a diagnosis. There are a variety of tests applied to this process.

Each patient’s case of this infection will vary. Depending on their symptoms and their severity, certain treatment approaches will be applied. Getting medical assistance with suspicious symptoms is important.

Causes of Cryptococcosis

Breathing in the fungus causes this infection. The lungs are affected which is why cryptococcosis symptoms develop. Each case of this condition varies where symptom severity is concerned.

For some people, the infection could go away on its own without specific treatment. This condition could stay in the lungs and only cause problems there.

It is possible for the infection to spread to other parts of the body. People who have taken high levels of corticosteroid medicines are vulnerable to this infection. Those who are suffering with AIDs are especially susceptible.

In fact, this is the most life-threatening illness for those people.

Illness Types

Depending on the development of your condition, you will need a particular Cryptococcus treatment regime. Pulmonary and CNS are included in medical references as it relates to types of this infection.

The symptoms you experience play a role in this process, as well.Here are some of the types of this illness: myocarditis, hepatitis and peritonitis. These are considered to be less common forms of the infection.

Patients who develop other conditions based upon the fungus infection experience different symptoms. Some of these are related directly to neurological issues.

Other symptoms are often associated with physical issues, such as, pain and discomfort in specific areas of the body. Organs involved in this will exhibit their own symptoms.

Facts and Stats

A patient’s immune system and the specific area affected by the infection work together where results are found. Pulmonary infection patients, for example, experience coughing as a symptom 54% of the time.

They also experience chest pain 46% of the time. These same patients who are also HIV positive have fevers 84% of the time and weight loss 47% of the time.

Acute respiratory distress is also associated with pulmonary infections. Those with CNS infections experience headache, confusion, nausea and fever. In serious cases, patients in this category may go into a coma.

The diversity of symptoms related to these infections shows why treatment techniques are so critical to recovery.

How It Spreads

For some patients, this infection disseminates through the body. Meningitis is one of the conditions that result when this takes place. Pneumonia is another condition in this category, as well.

Patients could develop numerous symptoms that are related to either of these illnesses. The dissemination process is impacted by the type of infection the patient has experienced.

Those with a CNS lung infection will see specific symptoms and possible spreading. Areas such as prostate and skin are affected.

In 10-15% of these cases, manifestations like ulcers, draining sinuses and nodules develop. The spreading process depends on each individual case and the focus of symptoms. Your physician will be able to monitor this and manage your treatment accordingly.

Human Effects

The cryptococcosis diagnosis process is very important for patient experiencing a variety of symptoms.

There are several effective methods that are used for this. Those with mysterious lesions will likely undergo biopsies. Fungal cultures are used to test the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Urine and sputum cultures are good methods for this process, as well.

Magnetic imaging is a technique that is commonly used in the possibility of CNS cryptococcosis. This is done to scan the brain for lesions and overall status.

Treatment is the most positive of human effects where these infections are concerned. Antifungal regimes are selected in some cases for treatment. Those who develop conditions like meningitis are put on certain medications during this process.

Cryptococcus Treatment

When this infection is present, cryptococcosus neoformans treatment is necessary. There are medications prescribed for patients with these illnesses. Those with pre-existing conditions will require specific types of treatment. Flucytosine, for example, is a drug that is used for approximately 2 weeks for some patients.

Other drugs are prescribed for certain periods of time. There is alternative therapy options used to address this type of infection. Those determined to be good candidates have sometimes experienced problems with specific medications or regimes. Your physician will tailor treatment to suit your needs.

People who have normal immune systems may experience no symptoms at all because of this infection. Chest pain, confusion, fatigue and swollen glands are some of the random symptoms that patients experience. If the infection spreads to areas of the brain, more serious symptoms are normally exhibited by patients.

Specialized techniques are necessary when people with weak immune systems develop this infection.

These may be people with HIV, Hodgkin’s disease or those going through chemotherapy. Some patients require not specific types of treatment, while others require a thorough regime. Your physician will be able to determine what process works best for you.

The medical outlook for the recovery process changes depending on the patient. When issues involving the central nervous system develop, organ damage can result. In some instances, death may occur.

Contacting your physician about symptoms is very important to your treatment. This is the best way to address symptoms and regain your health.

Further Reading:


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