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Symptoms of The Swine Flu and How to Prevent Them

Swine Flu (H1N1) has been in news since it was first discovered. Although it doesn’t have a high mortality rate, it’s still considered one of the worse ailments which can be easily transmitted.

Vaccines have started to prove useless against it. Still being serious and widespread, it’s becoming a concern for everyone’s health.

To make sure you stay safe from it, you should learn about symptoms of the swine flu and how you can prevent them.

In this post, we are going to provide you with the basic guidelines to start with.

Symptoms of Swine Flu

The symptoms of swine flu are identical to those of Influenza Infections. These Symptoms usually include –

  • Fever (100F or Higher)

  • Cough

  • Nasal Secretions

  • Fatigue

  • Headache (With Fatigue)

  • Sore Throat

  • Rash

  • Body Ache

  • Chills

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

These are the common Symptoms of Swine Flu in humans. The incubation period from exposure to early symptoms is 1-4 days, while the average remains two days. These symptoms last around a week or two, but they can last longer if the subject is suffering from severe infection.

Patients develop severe respiratory symptoms and need breathing support like a ventilator to breathe. In addition, patients are also affected with Pneumonia (secondary bacterial infection).

If viral infection persists, it may lead to seizures. Death can occur as a result of secondary bacterial infection of lungs.

Therefore, it is imperative that appropriate antibiotics are used in aid of the patient. The mortality rate for typical Influenza A is 0.1% while the Spanish Flu had a staggering mortality rate of 2-20%.

Swine Flu (H1N1) in Mexico led to 160 deaths and 2,500 confirmed cases, which corresponds to the mortality rate of 6%.

However, the initial data of Swine Flu Symptoms are believed to be subtle. Fortunately, the mortality rate of it is low and can be compared with conventional flue.

The actual mortality rate of this disease is comparatively low than the predicted level. Due to the increased public awareness and action for improving hygiene and promising development of a new vaccine, the available methods to prevent swine flu were never so convincing.

Swine Flu, just like regular flu can lead to severe ailments which includes Pneumonia and other such breathing problems.

It can also lead you to diabetes or asthma or something worse. In that case, you may experience symptoms like breathe shortness, severe vomiting, pain in belly or sides. It can also lead to vomiting.

Preventing Symptoms of the Swine Flu

The Statistics and symptoms may have given you jitters, but you can never be sure how you can avoid to fall prey to such a deadly ailment.

Don’t panic, here we are giving you a few easy to follow steps that will tackle any virus. It’s not important that you follow every step. You can pick and choose a combination to prevent the swine flu symptoms. However, these measures will only help you to an extent. If the symptoms continue, you should consult your physician.

  • Basil: You need five washed leaves of Basil (Ocimum Sanctum). Basil comes with a wide array of therapeutic properties and is known for keeping your lung and throat clear. In addition, it also helps to improve your immunity.

  • Giloi: The medicinal name is Tinospora Cordifolia. It’s an easily available plant around the world. Just take a one foot long brand, add four to five leaves of Giloi and boil them for 15-20 minutes, or long enough to extract its properties. Now add black pepper, add salt in it. Now let it cool down a bit and drink the concoction while it’s still warm, it will work wonder for improving your immunity. In case this plant is not available in your area, you can get Giloi powder and use it.

  • Camphor: A small piece of Camphor, the size of tablet can help you to prevent swine flu. It can be swallowed with water by adults while children can take it with some other food. However, you should never take it on a regular routine.People who can take garlic, should take two pods of raw garlic as their first thing in morning. You can swallow it daily with some lukewarm water. Garlic improves immunity and therefore it helps to fight Symptoms of Swine flu.

  • Milk: If you are not allergic to milk, you should take a glass of lukewarm or hot milk every night. Just make sure you add a small amount of Turmeric in it.

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is another plant which helps to fight back in the already available space.You have to use the sticky and gel like substance that come off it. A teaspoon of this gel with water on daily basis can help you to prevent the problem.

  • Wash Hands: Wash Your Hands Frequently with soap and water for at least 15-20 seconds. This should be done specifically particularly before taking a meal or touching a substance you think is contaminated with flu virus. This can be the door handle or knob. If you have returned home from a public place or used something, you need to get your hands cleaned. For the best result, you may have some alcohol-based hand cleaners which will come handy at all times.

  • Vitamin C: It’s better than the swine flu mask for prevention. You need to add citrus fruits in your diet which are rich in Vitamin C. Try to bulk load these in your fridge, because these are not only beneficial for preventing swine flu but also have a few other perks.

  • Homeopathic Medicines: If you take them in the right way, both Pyrogenium 200 and Inflenzium 200 will help you in preventing Swine Flu. Take these three times a day, these are not targeted at H1N1 specifically but are proven to help for preventing it. So get on it!

Once you have a clear idea about the symptoms of the swine flu, it will be easier to figure out your next course of action. And after reading the tips provided above, you should know the best ways to prevent swine flu symptoms.

Further Reading:

Image Credit: Adrian Hamilton from Flickr


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